

1、书上说不要在16,17岁爱上一个人,因为这个人会让你得不到,又忘不掉。The book says don’t fall in love with someone at age 16,17, because it will let you get and can’t forget it.

2、如果爱而不得 为什么上天还要安排相遇。If love and not why God should arrange to meet.

3、如果时光可以倒流 想回到刚认识你的时候。If time can go back trying to go back to when you first met you.

4、我却羡慕你有家,有他,有人等你回家。But I envy you to have a home, with him, someone is waiting for you to go home.


5、我记得我和别人炫耀过你。I remember showing you off with others.

6、不能拿来做恋人,却也舍不得给别人。Can’t be used as a lover, but also reluctant to give to others.

7、海底月是天上月,眼前人是心上人,海底月捞不起,心上人不可及。The undersea moon is the sky moon, in front of the sweetheart, the moon can not afford to get, the sweetheart can not reach.

8、喜欢的歌静静的听,喜欢的人远远的看。Like the song to listen quietly, like the people to look from a distance.


9、你们有125个共同好友,是否要添加对方为好友。You have 125 common friends, and do you want to add each other as friends.

10、因为喜欢你所以想借着你的光去看看从未见过的世界。Because I like you, I want to see the world I have never seen.

11、我好像一直在放弃他,又好像一直在等他。I seem to have been giving up on him, and I seem to have been waiting for him.

12、数学里有个既霸道又温婉的词叫做:有且仅有。There is a word of both domineering and gentle in mathematics called: some and only.


13、承认吧,我们都是在夜里崩溃过的俗人。Admit it, we are all the laity who have collapsed during the night.

14、七岁那年和十七岁那年,中间有十年,十七岁那年和二十七岁这年,中间有一生。At seven and seventeen, ten years, at seventeen and twenty-seven, and life in the middle.

15、我从未放弃喜欢你,只是从浓烈变得悄无声息。I never gave up to like you, just from strong to silent.

16、你根本忘不掉任何一个你认真喜欢过的人。You can’t forget anyone you have seriously loved.


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