





  • 撰写电子邮件的技巧
  • 您可以使用的简单电子邮件模板



  • 潜在客户很可能会从您的电子邮件中形成他们对您的第一印象
  • 如果您快速回复,则表明您很专心,并且他们的询问对您很重要
  • 如果您不害怕将问题告诉他们,这表明您愿意承担责任。他们最初可能会对你感到恼火,但他们会感谢一个让他们了解情况并及时处理问题的业务合作伙伴
  • 电子邮件让您有机会向潜在客户介绍您的业务/公司。但是不要只写你自己,写下你可以为他们的特定需求做些什么



  • 简明扼要。我们大多数人没有时间或耐心阅读冗长、杂乱无章的信件。保持电子邮件简短,但包含与您和您的潜在客户相关的所有信息。
  • 要专业。你可以礼貌友好,但不要太熟悉。避免使用可能会分散主题注意力​的行话、表情符号和花哨的字体。
  • 提供信息。如果您要进行产品宣传,请包括照片、信息图表和视频剪辑。
  • 包括主题行。它越具体,您的电子邮件被阅读的机会就越大。
  • 把一些想法放在你的问候语中。了解问候语在您选择的市场/国家/地区的运作方式。通常,以客户的第二个名字加上先生/女士来称呼客户是一个安全的选择。在印度,可以使用 Sir 或 Madam。除非您使用非常熟悉的术语,否则不要直呼客户的名字。
  • 以号召性用语结束您的电子邮件。您可以在日历上设置一个标志,以便在稍后的一天联系并鼓励您的读者也这样做。



主题:公司介绍以在 COUNTRY NAME 建立业务联系


The Indian Embassy,



We are <COMPANY NAME>, a company that specialises in the manufacture, supply and export of <PRODUCT NAME>. We would like to introduce ourselves to you as we wish to do business in <COUNTRY NAME> and require your help in this.

Included here are our company details:

  • Company name: <COMPANY NAME>
  • Business type: <Manufacture/supply/export>
  • Year of establishment: <DATE/MONTH/YEAR>
  • Product: <PRODUCT NAME>
  • Production capacity: <XX tons/month>
  • Registration/affiliation: <NAME OF GOVT/TRADERS’ BODY>
  • Target customers: <Importers/wholesalers/traders/suppliers>

We look forward to your cooperation.

Thank you,



1. 报价


Dear MR/MS <NAME>,

We, <COMPANY NAME>, are a company that manufactures, supplies and exports <PRODUCT NAME>. Since its establishment in <DATE/MONTH/YEAR>, our company has made a name for itself in the <PRODUCT NAME> market. That is because we believe in making only the highest quality products and supplying the same to our valued customers. We are proud of our skilled workforce, our knowledge of the market in India and abroad, and our commitment to providing the very best in customer service.

As we look to take our business to greater heights, we hope to be able to work with your esteemed organisation/company. Attached below is a detailed business proposal. You may also visit our website <LINK> to find out more about us.

Feel free to contact us if you have any queries. We can also schedule a meeting at a time of your convenience. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you,





As requested, we are pleased to provide you with samples of our <PRODUCT NAME>. We are confident that you will not be disappointed with the quality.

The samples have been shipped to the address provided by you and are scheduled to reach you within <XX days>. We charge <$XX> per sample and have included the invoice for this with this email. Some invoice details follow:

  • Invoice number: <XXXX>
  • Invoice date: <DATE/MONTH/YEAR>
  • Product sample: <PRODUCT NAME>
  • Number of pieces: <XX>
  • Price per sample: <$XX>
  • Total sample price: <$XX>
  • Country of origin: <NAME OF YOUR COUNTRY>
  • Country of destination: <NAME OF BUYER’S COUNTRY>

Kindly acknowledge receipt of the samples once delivered. We look forward to your feedback and to taking this partnership further.

Thank you,




Dear MR/MS <NAME>,

Thank you for your interest in our <PRODUCT NAME>. You have conveyed your requirement for <XX> pieces of our product by <DATE/MONTH/YEAR>. We would be delighted to fulfil this order and can guarantee that the required number of goods will be delivered to you by your stated date. However, the price per product you are willing to pay, which is <$XX>, does not meet our manufacturing and shipping costs. We can sell you the products for <$XX> a piece. You will not find a more competitive rate for the quality we are offering. Therefore, we humbly urge you to reconsider your price.

We look forward to a deal that is favourable to both parties. Feel free to contact us at any time for further discussions. You can call us at <CONTACT NUMBER>.

Thank you,




Dear MR/MS <NAME>,

Thank you for your interest in our <PRODUCT NAME>. You have conveyed your requirement for <XX> pieces of our product by <DATE/MONTH/YEAR>. We would be delighted to fulfil this order and can guarantee that the required number of goods will be delivered to you by your stated date. However, the price per product you are willing to pay, which is <$XX>, does not meet our manufacturing and shipping costs. We can sell you the products for <$XX> a piece. You will not find a more competitive rate for the quality we are offering. Therefore, we humbly urge you to reconsider your price.

We look forward to a deal that is favourable to both parties. Feel free to contact us at any time for further discussions. You can call us at <CONTACT NUMBER>.

Thank you,




Dear MR/MS <NAME>,

We at <COMPANY NAME> acknowledge the receipt in full of the <PRODUCT NAME> detailed under <INVOICE NUMBER>. Furthermore, the <PRODUCT NAME> has been found to meet our standards.

We appreciate the care taken by you to meet our conditions. We look forward to the same prompt service in our future dealings.

Thank you,





Dear MR/MS <NAME>,

We trust you are doing well. Our records indicate that you have an outstanding balance of <$XX> towards a consignment of <PRODUCT NAME> shipped by us on <SHIPMENT DATE> and received by you on <DELIVERY DATE>. The due date for this payment was <DUE DATE>. Please find attached a copy of the invoice <(MENTION INVOICE NUMBER)>.

Please make the payment by <NEW DUE DATE>. If not, we will be compelled to STATE LATE PAYMENT ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY YOUR COMPANY. If you have already made the payment, ignore this email and accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your cooperation. We hope to continue to do business with you.

Thank you,


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