


Alt+ F4 快速关闭程序

Ctrl+ Shift 切换输入法

Ctrl+空格 中英文输入法切换

Ctrl+。 切换中英文标点

Windows+ E 快速打开计算机

Windows+ D 快速回到桌面

Windows+ L 快速锁定电脑

F1 帮助键

F2 重命名

F4 重复上一步操作

F5 刷新键

F12 另存为

Ctrl+ A 全选

Ctrl+ S 保存

Ctrl+ Z 撤消

Ctrl+ C 复制

Ctrl+ X 剪切

Ctrl+ V 粘贴

Ctrl+ F 查找

Ctrl+ H 替换

Ctrl+ E 居中对齐

Ctrl+ R 居右对齐

Universal shortcut keys

Alt+ F4 fast close program

Ctrl+ Shift toggles the input method

Ctrl+ space Chinese and English input method switch

Ctrl +. Switching Chinese and English punctuation

Windows+ E Quickly open the computer

Windows+ D quick back to the desktop

Windows+ L Fast lock computer

F1 help button

F2 rename

F4 Repeat the previous step

F5 to refresh button

F12 save as

Ctrl + A selection

Ctrl + S to save

Ctrl + Z undo

Ctrl + C to copy

Ctrl + X shear

Ctrl + V to paste

Ctrl + F to find

Ctrl + H to replace

Ctrl+ E center align

Ctrl+ R to the right


Ctrl+ k 插入超链接

Ctrl+ shift+f9 批量取消超链接

Shift+ f9 编辑域代码

Ctrl+f9 插入域

F9 更新域

ALT+鼠标 矩形选择

Word shortcuts

Ctrl+ K inserts hyperlinks

Ctrl+ Shift + F9 Cancel hyperlinks in batches

Shift+ F9 edits the domain code

Ctrl + f9 inserted into the domain

F9 update domain

ALT+ mouse rectangle selection



Ctrl+1 设置单元格格式

Ctrl+ Enter 批量填充

Ctrl+; 输入系统日期

Ctrl+ shift+; 输入系统时间

Alt+= 快速求和

Ctrl+ shift+→ 连续向右选择

Ctrl+ shift+↓ 连续向下选择

Ctrl+ shift+回车 运行数组

F5 定位条件

F4 绝对引用

Excel shortcuts

Ctrl+1 sets the cell format

Ctrl+ Enter Batch fill

Ctrl +; Enter system date

Ctrl + shift +; Input system time

Alt+= quick summation

Ctrl+ Shift +→ Continuously select right

Ctrl+ Shift +↓ Continuously downward select

Ctrl+ Shift + Enter runs the array

F5 position condition

F4 absolute reference


Ctrl+ G 组合对象

Ctrl+ D 快速复制对象

Ctrl+[ 缩小字体

Ctrl+] 放大字体

F5 从头放映幻灯片

Shift+F5 从当前页放映幻灯片

PPT shortcuts

Ctrl+ G combines objects

Ctrl+ D quickly copy objects

Ctrl+[Zoom out the font

Ctrl+] to enlarge the font

F5 show slides from the beginning

Shift+F5 shows slides from the current page


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